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Leaning on Christ. Together

Asking Questions. Together

Proclaiming a God who Loves. Together

Worship. Together

A traditional vibe with an inclusive Spirit.

Each Sunday at 9 am

123 Street Road

Big City, LO

Huge parking lot. Red doors across the street.

No special handshake needed. We’re here, even if you come alone.

Stories from Our People

We were created to be in community. Together

We believe God claims each of us as beloved. Not if, but when life gets complicated, together, we navigate the questions and complications by trusting that in God, we are enough. We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday at 9am. Let us know you are coming or ask us anything before you decide.

Together We

  • LEAN

    Leaning on Christ is hard. Life is complicated and beautiful and difficult and a gift. Together, we walk through life by created intentional space to grow in friendship and trust with each other.

  • ASK

    Friend, we don’t have all the answers. Which means we won’t be judging you. Instead, we work to ask our own questions and hear your questions. We strive to think faithfully and critically with you while remaining grounded in God’s promise to love us completely.


    Proclaiming God as the one who first loves us is core to our life together. In worship and as a community, we strive to point ourselves back toward God as beloved children.

What We’re Reading Right Now

As a community, we try to read the same scriptures and learn together in small groups. If you’d like to see what we are studying these days, we invite you to download a recent lesson. Feel free to be in touch if you have questions about it. WE love asking questions together.